AXIS365租售宝下载_365英超_365best官网 FA1080-E 传感器单元Thermal Sensor Unit Outdoor-ready thermal sensor unit-康拓威技术(深圳)有限公司|Theia镜头代理商|365租售宝下载_365英超_365best官网 AXIS摄像机|博世BOSCH监控|索尼SONY监控|松下PANASONIC监控|Theia无畸变镜头|安视Aimetis Symphony|赛视达Senstar Symphony|霍尼韦尔Honeywell|华为监控 365租售宝下载_365英超_365best官网

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        AXIS365租售宝下载_365英超_365best官网 FA1080-E 传感器单元Thermal Sensor Unit Outdoor-ready thermal sensor unit

        2019-12-26 11:29:10      点击:

        AXIS FA1080-E Thermal Sensor Unit

        Outdoor-ready thermal sensor unit

        • Reliable thermal detection 24/7
        • Possibilities for multi-channel setup
        • Compatible with AXIS FA54 Main Unit
        • Flexible mounting options

        Thermal imaging

        AXIS FA1080-E offers all the benefits of thermal imaging at a price that’s within reach. Used together with AXIS FA54 Main Unit and analytics such as AXIS Guard Suite, it reliably detects people, vehicles and objects regardless of light conditions or attempts at camouflage.

        AXIS FA1080-E creates images based on the heat that radiates from an object, vehicle or person. And because thermal cameras are less sensitive to lighting conditions, such as shadows, backlight, darkness and camouflaged objects, you are guaranteed reliable images.

        Mix thermal and visual imaging all in one

        AXIS FA1080-E Thermal Sensor Unit can be used in a single, or multi-channel setup to create a flexible, tailored approach to surveillance depending on your needs – indoors or out. Using AXIS FA-Series, you can use up to four sensor units, together with AXIS FA54 Main Unit. It also allows you to mix, for instance, thermal cameras with visual cameras in one stream. The sensor unit can be used for intruder detection and allows you to place a visual sensor unit in the same area to further identify whether or not there is a threat. 

        Furthermore, you can build a flexible perimeter protection solution using analytics, such as AXIS Guard suite together with a modular solution with four thermal cameras. This could be useful for outdoor environments, such as at construction sites to protect containers with valuable materials. Modular thermal cameras helps keep the area safe in a cost-efficient way while reducing the number of false alarms.

        Flexible and discreet 

        This compact, discreet unit can be mounted behind surfaces, in recesses, on walls or inside a bullet-shaped accessory. Together with AXIS FA54 Main Unit the set up supports Zipstream, analytics, HDMI support for connection to a surveillance or public viewing monitor (PVM) and audio input/output ports. Plus, four configurable input/output ports allow you to connect to external devices such as door locks and lights for handling alarm events and local storage.

        Distance ranges

        Focal length Viewing angle Detection
        mm Horizontal Human:
        1.8 x 0.5 m
        4 x 1.5 m
        m yards m yards
        Detection (1.5 pixels on target) 4 35.4° 166 182 511 559
        Recognition (6 pixels on target) 4 35.4° 41 45 127 139
        Identification (12 pixels on target) 4 35.4° 20 22 63 69
        The ranges are calculated with Johnson’s criteria and they are purely theoretical. The values may vary in different weather conditions. For detailed information about Johnson’s criteria, please read the white paper.