Conterway In 2015 the Spring Festival holiday notice-Conterway Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd|Huawei|AXIS|Bosch|SONY|Panasonic|Samsung|Honeywell|Theia|Hikvision|Huawei 365租售宝下载_365英超_365best官网

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        Conterway In 2015 the Spring Festival holiday notice

        2013/6/11      view:

        Conterway In 2015 the Spring Festival holiday notice
        Dear customer:
         The Spring Festival will come, Conterway Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. In this letter to thank your company has been support and help, I wish your company in the New Year the business is thriving, source of money widely enter!
        Our time this Spring Festival holiday arrangement is as follows:
        On February 16, 2015 in an instant, normal work on February 26, 2015
        Your company if you have order, please order in advance, so that we can arrange delivery!Inconvenience, please understanding!
        Best wishes,
                                                                                       Conterway Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd
                                                                                                      On December 30, 2014