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        Your Position: Home > Support > Solutions

        AXIS People Counter

        2017/9/20      view:

        AXIS People Counter

        Smart analytics for people counting

        • Accurate and reliable people counting
        • Optimizes marketing efforts
        • Improves staff and store planning
        • Based on proven technology

        Optimize your store's performance

        Woman entering a shop

        How many people visit your store everyday and how many make a purchase?

        AXIS People Counter helps answer these questions. It automatically counts in real time the number of people passing under a camera and in which direction.

        When integrated with a point-of-sale (PoS) system, it can collect valuable information about conversion rates to provide your store with reliable data to base business critical decisions on.

        Make the right decisions

        AXIS People Counter collects information about store traffic to help you gain insights into customer behavior – and act accordingly. The software runs embedded in a ceiling-mounted network camera that is installed above passageways and entrances from heights of 2.7 m (8.8 ft.) and up. It essentially turns the camera into a highly advanced sensor, collecting store traffic data that help you

        • analyze customer flows and traffic trends;
        • evaluate impact of advertising and promotions;
        • improve staff planning and determine optimal opening hours, so you can deliver excellent customer service and optimize employee costs;
        • assess the impact of weather on customer visits; and
        • identify and reward high performing stores and employees.

        You can count on it

        AXIS People Counter is an automated system that enables simultaneous two-way counting of people moving in and out of a passageway. It disregards baby carriages and shopping carts.

        The software is built on advanced and proven algorithms from Cognimatics, whose programs have led in retail analytics for more than a decade. Offering high-speed execution and low memory requirements, the software has been installed in thousands of cameras worldwide.

        For narrow or wide entrances

        AXIS People Counter, together with a camera, can be used to cover single or double door entrances. For wide entrances, multiple cameras with embedded AXIS People Counter can be linked to provide synchronized counting. AXIS People Counter can be used on a wide range of Axis cameras. The software allows you to set and monitor parameters and download data remotely over an IP network.

        Integration and data access

        AXIS People Counter saves data directly on each camera for up to 90 days. The software provides only numeric counts. No image or video is stored. Its open protocol allows the people counting data to be integrated into PoS or other systems. Users can access the data in four ways:

        • By using a standard web browser to access the camera’s web interface, which provides live views and graphical representations of the statistics. In such a case, there is no need for an on-site server or any other hardware.
        • Through an open HTTP API in the camera, whereby you can extract real-time static raw data, as well as data for specified time periods, and in various formats; for example, JSON, XML and CSV.
        • By using AXIS Store Reporter, which is a web-based service that gathers statistical data from various sources of Axis retail analytics applications and presents the data and graphical representations in one interface. Ideal for use in multi-site and multi-camera installations.
        • Through AXIS Store Data Manager, a locally run software program for easy integration of data into third-party business intelligence applications.